Home » BLOGGING » 11 Steps To Improve Your Blogging Skills: a blog to improve your blogging skills

11 Steps To Improve Your Blogging Skills: a blog to improve your blogging skills

If you want to take your blogging skills to higher level and want to grow your audience, here is a series of 11 easy-to-follow steps in this article

Improve blogging skills

Improve your writing skills

If you want to improve your writing skills, here are some tips:

  • Write in a way that is easy to understand. Use simple language, avoid jargon and complicated sentences. If you have to use technical terms, explain them clearly at first mention so readers don’t have to go hunting through Wikipedia entries or Google searches while they’re trying to read your blog post!
  • Read your work out loud before publishing it–this will help catch any typos or awkward phrasing that might otherwise slip through unnoticed because we tend not to read what we write with our eyes but instead just focus on getting each sentence down on paper (or screen).

Research your topic

Researching your topic is the first step to writing a good article. You need to know what people want to read and how they want it presented before you can begin writing. There are several tools that you can use for this purpose:

  • Google, Wikipedia and Quora are great places for finding information about your chosen topic. If there are any questions that people have about it, chances are someone has already answered them!
  • A keyword tool like Ubersuggest or Keywordtoolio (or another one) will give an idea of what people search for when looking up related topics. This will help determine if there is demand for content on those subjects in general – or just specific keywords within those subjects – which could then lead into more specific searches like “how do I…” or “what’s…” or even just “here’s…” followed by whatever information they might want from us as bloggers/writers/bloggers-to-be!

Make a plan and set goals

Now that you’ve decided to start blogging, the next step is to set some goals. Setting goals before you begin will help you stay on track and prevent any setbacks in your blogging journey.

To be successful at anything in life, it’s important that we first understand what success looks like for us personally. For example: if someone wants to lose weight but doesn’t know their goal weight or how much weight they want to lose each week for example, then this person may never achieve their goal because he/she didn’t have an exact definition of what success looked like!

When it comes down to setting a plan for yourself as a blogger (and really any other aspect of life), there are several things that need consideration before getting started:

Invest in a good word processor and a spellchecker

The first step to improving your blogging skills is to invest in a good word processor and spellchecker. A word processor allows you to write easily, with features like auto-correct and grammar checkers. A spellchecker will catch any typos that slip through the cracks, so it’s important not only for when you’re writing but also after the fact–if you don’t have one installed on your computer, we recommend downloading one now!

There are many options available: Microsoft Word is probably the most popular choice among bloggers because it comes standard with most computers (and Macs), but Google Docs is another option that offers similar functionality at no cost (though there are limitations).

If this sounds like too much work for now or if none of these options seem right for you–there are plenty more out there!

Focus on quality, not quantity

The most important thing to remember when you’re trying to improve your blog is that quality is more important than quantity. While it’s tempting to want as many readers as possible, and while we all love the idea of having our blogs go viral and get thousands of views every day, this is not always a good thing. If everyone loves your content but few people actually read it then what’s the point?

Quality matters because quality content will be shared by more people–and when people share something they like with their friends or followers on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter then those friends/followers may also become interested in reading what you have written about! This means that instead of having just one person read an article from beginning until end (or even part way through), there could potentially be hundreds or thousands who see it within days!

Write for the audience you want to reach

  • Write for your audience.
  • Write for their needs and interests.
  • Write at their level of understanding, not yours! This is one of the most important tips on this list because it can make or break a blog post (and even a whole blog). If you don’t write in a way that makes sense to your readers, they’ll be confused and won’t trust what you have to say–and then they won’t come back! That’s bad news all around: not only do you lose out on potential subscribers and social media followers, but also valuable readers who might have helped spread the word about what kind of content they want from you in the future…or even just bought something from you today!

So think carefully about how much knowledge each post requires before deciding whether or not it’s worth writing up into an article; remember that people visit different websites for different reasons too–some may just want entertainment while others might need help solving an issue quickly without having read through dozens upon dozens of articles first (I’m looking at YOU Wikipedia!). There are also plenty more ways writers can write well than just being clear; this article goes into detail about some common mistakes writers make when trying too hard instead.”

Write about something you are passionate about

The first step to improving your blogging skills is to write about something that you are passionate about. This will make it easier for you to write in-depth articles, and help ensure that the content on your blog is interesting and engaging. If there’s a topic or subject matter that comes naturally to you, then this is probably the best place for you to start with your blog.

It also helps if the topic is one which readers have an interest in reading about; so if there’s anything unique or different about what they can expect from reading articles on this particular subject matter then even better!

Edit carefully and critically (This includes knowing how to use all of the editing tools available to you, but also editing as you go along.)

Editing is a critical part of the process. It can be hard to edit your own work, but it’s important that you do so carefully and critically. Editing tools are available to help with this–for example, Grammarly (which I use) will catch most errors in spelling and grammar before they get published on your blog or social media account.

I recommend reading through each post at least three times before publishing it: once when writing it; once again after it’s been edited by someone else; then one last time before publishing it for everyone else in the world see! This way, any mistakes will have been caught by then end of this third pass-through process.

Blogging is fun but it takes work.

It’s important to remember that blogging takes time, effort and consistency. If you are not committed to your blog then it will be hard for you to grow. You have to put in the hours if you want your blog to succeed.

You also need to be willing to learn from others and grow as a writer/blogger yourself. If there is one thing I’ve learned over the years of blogging it’s that no one knows everything about writing/blogging at first – we all start somewhere!

You must be willing and ready for risks when starting out because no matter what happens with your blog – good or bad – there will always be lessons learned along the way which will help make future decisions easier when starting something new again next time around (or even just deciding whether or not continuing down an existing path is worth investing more time into).

1. Learn the basics of SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing the number of visitors to a website by getting the website to show up higher in the results of a search engine.

It’s important to understand that SEO is not a short-term strategy; it’s something that you need to invest time and effort into if you want your blog posts and articles to be found online.

2. Choose the right keywords for your audience

Keywords are words or phrases that people use to search for information on the internet. For example, if you’re writing a blog post about how to bake bread, then “how to bake bread” is a keyword. If you’re writing about how to make homemade pasta sauce, then “homemade pasta sauce” would be another good keyword for your audience.

Keywords are important because they help readers find your content when they’re searching online – so it’s essential that you choose keywords that are relevant to what you’re writing about and useful in driving traffic back to your website (or blog).

Luckily there are plenty of tools available which make this process much easier than it used to be! I recommend using Google Keyword Planner as one way of finding out which keywords people are searching for in relation with topics similar yours

3. Create a content calendar

A content calendar is a tool to help you plan your blog posts. It helps you create a schedule that fits your needs, stay organized and on track, prioritize your goals and see what topics are popular and which ones aren’t.

A content calendar is simply an outline of all of the posts for each month (or quarter) so that you can see how many articles need to be written in what order. You’ll also want to make sure there’s room for guest posts or interviews with other writers in order to increase readership and build relationships with other bloggers in your niche–which can lead directly back into traffic!

4. Write different types of content

You can also write different types of content, such as blog posts, newsletters and guides.

You may want to review products or services that you use on a daily basis and share your views with your readers. It’s important that you are honest in your reviews so that people trust what you say about the product/service. You could also interview someone who has experience in the field or industry that interests them most (e.g., if they are interested in fitness then interview someone who runs a gym).

When writing an interview make sure it’s easy for readers to read by keeping things short and sweet!

5. Make an editorial workflow

An editorial workflow is the process of how you go from idea to post. It’s a framework that helps you decide what to write about, how long it should be and when it should go live.

Creating an editorial workflow is important because it makes sure that every piece of content on your blog has been planned and thought out before being published. This means that every post has a purpose (and isn’t just there because it’s Tuesday) and can be easily found by readers because they know exactly where it will be published and when it will appear in their feed.

An editorial calendar also helps prevent writer’s block by giving writers deadlines so they have time to work on their next piece without feeling rushed or stressed out by having too much time left over in between posts!

6. Create visual content and videos

Visual content is important for your blog. It’s not enough to just write about your topic, you need to make the reader feel like they’re there with you, experiencing it with their own eyes.

Visual content makes it easier for people to understand what you’re talking about and remember what they’ve read better than if there was just text on screen or paper.

Images are more likely to be shared than any other type of post on social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter because they grab people’s attention so quickly – people love looking at pictures! If someone sees an image that looks interesting they may click through from there onto another page where they then find more information about whatever subject matter was being discussed within that image originally posted online by another person who has written something similar before them (like yours truly).

7. Get professional help when you need it

There are many things that you can do to help improve your blogging skills, but if you don’t know how to do something specific and it’s holding your blog back from reaching its full potential, then it’s time to seek professional help.

There is no shame in asking for help when needed! It’s better than letting frustration get the best of you or continuing with a bad strategy because “the internet said so.” You might be surprised by how much easier things become once someone else steps in and takes over those tasks that are holding back your progress.

You can hire a professional blogger or website designer who knows exactly what they’re doing–and they won’t charge nearly as much as most people think (especially if they’re good at their jobs). The key here is finding someone local where both parties are comfortable working together face-to-face rather than having everything done remotely via email/Skype etcetera…

8. Use Quality Images and Videos That Attract Attention

  • Use images and videos that are relevant to the topic.
  • Use quality images, not too large in size (under 1MB).
  • If you have time, use an image editing tool like Photoshop or GIMP to make sure your photos are of high quality and have the best possible resolution for web display.

9. Create a website with a blog theme that supports your brand story, voice and goals

Choosing a theme is an important step in creating your blog. You want to choose a theme that is easy to use and offers a lot of options, reflects your brand and goals, has good support, is responsive and mobile friendly and has good SEO.

You can get started by checking out some of the most popular WordPress blog themes on ThemeForest or Creative Market. If you need more help choosing the right theme for your business, try hiring someone from Fiverr who specializes in WordPress websites or hire me!

10. Share relevant information on social media

Now that you’ve completed the first nine steps, it’s time to start sharing your content on social media. Social media can be an invaluable tool for bloggers who want to improve their blogging skills. You can use social media sites like Facebook and Twitter as additional outlets for your writing, and they’ll help you build an audience of loyal readers who enjoy reading your posts.

For example, if one of your recent posts was about how to grow tomatoes in pots on balconies or patios (which would have been great content), share it on Facebook! Use hashtags like #gardeningtips or #bloggingtips so people searching those terms will find your post more easily when they’re looking for information related to them–and perhaps even engage with the post by commenting on it themselves!

You might also consider sharing other people’s content as well when appropriate; after all, this isn’t just about self-promotion–it’s also about helping others! If someone else has written something useful related to gardening/blogging/etc., share their article with friends via social media so that more people can learn from its wisdom (and hopefully become regular readers of yours!).

11. Don’t forget to promote what you’ve already done!

Promoting what you’ve already done is important. It’s the best way to get more readers, because the more people who read your content, the more likely they are to share it with their friends.

You can promote your blog posts in a lot of different ways: social media (posting links on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn), email newsletters and even in new blog posts themselves!

The key to success is learning these eleven steps

The key to success is learning these eleven steps.

  • Write about something you are passionate about. If a topic doesn’t interest you, it will be hard to write in-depth articles on it.
  • Write for the audience you want to reach. Your blog should reflect the needs of your readers–not all topics are equally interesting or relevant to everyone who visits your website!
  • Write quality content over quantity of posts (or “posting too often”). If people don’t like what they read on your blog, they won’t come back again and again like they might if there were other reasons why someone would want access such as having useful information or tips on how best use something like social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter which could help increase traffic from those sites into ones like Google+.


At the end of the day, blogging is a skill that you can learn. You don’t need to be an expert writer or SEO guru in order to create a successful blog. All it takes is practice and dedication. So if you’re ready for some hard work, then let’s get started!

About the author


Vikram is a Digital Media Strategy Consultant who helps small business owners grow their
business. He is passionate about blogging, digital marketing, and emerging technologies.

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